Art Therapy
Tell your story another way..
Sometimes it's hard to communicate what you feel and think with words alone.
Telling the same stories about yourself over and over again to others, you stay stuck in a view of your life that is limiting.
You may have had little no progress in traditional talk therapy and are looking for something to push you out of your comfort zone.
Whenever we try something new, we learn something about ourselves.
Art therapy allows for more possibilities.
Art therapy enables both the client and the therapist to gain a different perspective on a problem or situation.
Art therapy provides a cathartic expression.
Art therapy can be used as a mindfulness exercise to help bring you and keep you in the present moment as you are creating.
Art therapy has been shown to improve self-esteem as you gain mastery and confidence over time.
The best part is, you don't need to have any prior experience with art to engage in art therapy.
You won't have to buy anything additional to engage in art therapy unless you have absolutely no art materials.
Play and grow.
One of the most valuable aspects of art therapy is the child-like playfulness that comes from creating something without any expectations or dire consequences. As adults, think about how often you get a chance to play?
Owner and Lead Therapist of Resilient Heart Therapy, Cheryl Tarnofsky, is an Art Therapist.
There may be times where the activity is more structured and other times where it's totally loose and open to intrepretation.
The more we do hard things in therapy, the easier it comes to translating and implementing these skills in our daily lives.